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we are minding the gap between dance and

mental health  

Photo courtesty Nicholas Coppula 

We are on a mission to see mental health treated with the same seriousness as physical health in dance culture. 

Video by Anchor Heart Films and G. Ryin Gaines

You are not alone.

One in five Americans will experience mental illness at some point in their lifetime.

National Alliance on Mental Illness

31% of Americans will experience an anxiety disorder in their lifetime.

National Institute of Mental Health 

Dancers may be three times as likely to suffer from an eating disorder than the general population.

National Institutes of Health 

Most people experience their first depression in their late teens and early 20s. This is the same time that dancers are going through the most stressful period of their training and career looking for a job or entering a competitive program.

American Psychiatric Association 

Some studies show that one-third of women will experience a major depressive episode in their lifetime. 70% of dancers are female. 

American Psychiatric Association 

Data USA

There is data that shows that practice of ballet can have a potential impact on mental health by showing that young ballet students exhibit greater psychological inflexibility.

Psychology of Music - September 2017

Nearly 50% of the dance audience consists of current and former dancers. It is imperative, not only for the wellness of the individual, but also the art form, that we train dancers with respect for their mental wellness so that they become future patrons, donors and enroll their own children in dance schools. 

Dance USA - Wolf Brown

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